Thursday, September 25, 2008


Destroying of natural resources by Man.

The environment consists of people plants and animals. All these essential things have a strong connection to each other. If one section is damaged, it affects the other part as well. At present we frequently face droughts floods tornados, earth slips earthquakes volcanic eruptions, soil erosions and cyclones of great impact.

All these have been caused due to the negligence of wrong acts of humans. Our bio-diversity has been severely hampered by such careless action of human beings, by cutting down valuable trees and killing of Animals. These are criminal acts created by selfish people who have resulted in destroying valuable forests and wild animals. All should get together and improve the tree cover of our land when trees and plants are destroyed the earth looses its natural balance and such acts would convert the valuable forestry to deserts.

To minimize these disasters we should safeguard our trees and Animals.

Also, we should pay special attention to prevent Soil erosion through re forestation and prevent farmers from encroaching into tank banks and there should be a programme to renovate and rehabilitate rural tanks. Man creates more problems by sending black smoke in to the environment. Daily a lot of garbage is being added to the environment. Most of the factories release pollutants to the soil and water. The atmosphere also gets polluted with harmful gases released by the factories and these get mixed with air doing great harm to the environment. Water can be polluted by weedisides and pesticides released by the farmers.

There are many harmful diseases that are caused by pollution. So we must protect our environment and keep it clean. We must stop cutting down trees. If it continues the whole world would become a dessert one day. If we continue to kill the wild animals who are considered to be our natural assets the man will not be able to exist in the future.

So people must plant more and more trees to protect our environment. They should stop cutting down trees and safeguard our animals and protect all natural resources.. ……